Ear Candling £25

      treatment time is approximately 30 mins this will include consultation time and aftercare advice 

A form of alternative therapy in which the tapered end of an ear candle is placed in a person's ear while the other end of the candle is lit, earwax and other impurities are drawn out of the ear canal by a partial vacuum created by the candle flame. Removes wax and bacteria from the ear canal. May also help with sinus infection, improve hearing and help to relieve sore heads. also includes sinus drainage massage, with head, and neck massage. Treatment time is approximately 30 mins this will include consultation time and aftercare advice.

Proposed Benefits 

removing wax, bacteria, and other debris from the ear canal.

treating sinus infections.

improving hearing or reversing hearing loss.

relieving sore throats.

treating colds and flus.

relieving headaches and migraines.

Improving mental clarity.